Exhibition Park – Central Newcastle

A popular urban park in the centre of Newcastle. At the heart of the park, there is a small man-made lake, which has benefited from environmental modifications in recent years such as the inclusion of bulrushes to the sides; which have been designed to make the lake more attractive to wildlife. The park has also undergone restoration work, with improvements to paths and facilities.

Despite it’s small size, as well as commoner species such as Coot, Mallard, Moorhen and Mute Swan there are regularly over a dozen Tufted Duck present. Other birds present can include Canada Goose and on rare occasions Gadwall, Goosander, Mandarin, Pochard and Scaup come to visit. The site is popular with Gulls, with over thirty often present. These are usually made up of largely Black-headed Gulls with some Herring, Common or a couple of Greater or Lesser-Black backed Gulls.  One very lucky local birdwatcher was lucky to find a ‘Tyne Kittiwake‘ passing through as the 2018 breeding season was coming to an end.

A Spotted Flycatcher

The surrounding parkland/woodland is rich in woodland birds all year round. Highlights include Great Spotted Woodpecker and sometimes a local population of Ring-necked Parakeets, which currently numbers over two dozen birds come to visit from the west end of Newcastle. In the winter period, Brambling or Waxwing are at times recorded, whilst during the spring/summer months, Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs can be heard.

Recent highlights have included visiting Spotted Flycatchers, Redstarts and Garden Warblers passing through during July-August. A Little Grebe came to stay during 2019, much to the delight of local birdwatchers, and they were rewarded with very close views.  Goosanders are starting to visit more often and stay for longer periods.  A female Mandarin has been present between Leazes Park and Exhibition Park over the past 24 months. Have you seen it yet?

Adjacent to the northern border of Exhibition Park, you can find Newcastle Town Moor; an area of over 900 acres of grassland, which is surrounded by, busy roads and housing. The moor is popular with cyclists and joggers, as there is some well maintained paths. Birds present can include Carrion Crow and Rook. Common Gulls particularly favor the area. Skylarks can be heard at times, whilst Fieldfare and Redwing are noted in the winter.

If you looking for some peace and quiet from the busy urban setting of the city of Newcastle, then the Town Moor is a great escape and there are some seats alongside the paths.


  • Freshwater Lake
  • Mature Woodland
  • Park Land


The park is accessible to the public and wheelchair users.


There are shops and toilets nearby in Newcastle City Centre.


There is paid parking available nearby in the city centre.