Rising Sun Country Park

A very popular and well visited country park, which is rich in wildlife. There is an extensive network of paths; great facilities and free parking. Highlights include the Swallow Pond nature reserve and the Rising Sun CP visitor centre, which has toilets and a great cafe. From the main path, a public hide with wheelchair access overlooks the pond, whilst to the west there is a screen hide. Towering to the side of Swallow Pond, there is a pit heap, which is a reminder of the sites mining past. Skylark’s can be heard in the sky above, and in some year’s, Ring Ouzel can be found on the pit heap as they stop off for a break during migration.

Swallow Pond was great for waders in the 80’s, when water levels were much lower in the autumn, attracting rarities such as Black winged Stilt, Pectoral Sandpiper and White-rumped Sandpiper. Other waders such as Common, Curlew, Green and Wood Sandpipers, Spotted Redshank, Little Stint and Ruff were regular visitors. Nowadays water levels are much higher, as nearby trees and vegetation have increased their range and such waders are now uncommon. The site remains popular with a wide range of wildfowl; which can include Pochard, Gadwall, Garganey, Scaup, Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Duck, Wigeon; with Goldeneye and Goosanders on occasions.  Since the changes to the refuse sites at Howdon and Seghill nearby, visiting gull numbers have vastly reduced, however large numbers still regularly spend time around the pond.  This can include Glaucous Greater Black-backed Gull, Iceland, Mediterranean Gull and Yellow-legged Gull on rare occasions. 

Great Crested Grebes and Little Grebes remain faithful and are often a highlight for many visiting the pond. 

A Shoveler

If you’re lucky you might see or hear a nearby Water Rail, a local Bullfinch, Willow Tit or even a visiting Crossbill. The site boasts some well established coniferous plantations which are great for Goldcrests and Siskin.  Large portions of the original trees have been lost however during recent storms. 

In the spring and summer months Common Terns can be heard, announcing their arrival and the calls of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff are everywhere. As you explore the nearby woodland, Blackcaps can also be found. The nearby farmland and fields are popular with Fieldfares and Redwings in the winter and large groups of Woodpigeons all year round. Other key species to watch out for include Stock Doves, which can usually be found on the fields to the back of the pond, close to the visitor centre and Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat, which favour the trees close to the farm and Pit heap during the spring/summer months.

The Rising Sun Country Park has been increasing in popularity and the variety of birds recorded has been increasing again. Jay’s, which were once a rare visitor are now resident. Little Egrets have also started to visit Swallow Pond over the last two years. It would be great to see these as regulars alongside the local Herons.

In the winter of 2013-14 birders gathered in the pubic hide, hoping to catch a glimpse of a Bittern, or some noisy Water Rails. Both usually secretive but showing very well for many on occasions for over a month.A

A Red Deer was present for over a decade but sadly is no longer with us.   If you’re lucky you might see a Roe Deer or a Fox. Long gone are the Water Voles which were once a common sight close to what now is the screen hide to the West.  This was originally the site of a NWT hide in the 80’s and 90’s. Weasels are no longer as common either and Hares have pretty much vanished from the landscape. The resurgence of Otters in the county has brought them here also. 

To the right of the visitor centre and the back of Swallow Pond, another pond can be enjoyed in modern times. Duke’s Pond, which is gradually developing into a great wildlife habitat. This may be small, but it’s always worth a look, as a good selection of birds have been noted.

A Lapwing



  • Wetland
  • Woodland
  • Farmland


There is free public access to the country park. The park is accessible to wheelchair users. Paths can be muddy at times, so appropriate outdoor footwear is recommended.


There are toilets and cafes available at the Rising Sun Countryside Centre.


There is parking available adjacent to the Rising Sun Countryside Centre.

Additional Information

The site is maintained by North Tyneside Council. For more information please visit www.northtyneside.gov.uk

Swallow Pond and the adjacent plantation has been a Local Nature Reserve since 1992.